As educators continue to explore innovative ways to enhance learning experiences, the concept of the kinaesthetic classroom has gained momentum. The idea revolves around incorporating physical movement and exercise into the learning environment to improve...
Nutrition: Mock Virtual Conference Curated February 2023 One morning it occurred to me that the foodhealing project presents me with a unique opportunity, an opportunity to curate a nutrition conference with presentations from the most esteemed educators without any...
Vaginal seeding, also known as microbial transfer, is a practice where a new-born baby’s mouth, nose, and skin are swabbed with a gauze pad containing the mother’s vaginal fluids immediately after a caesarean section birth. The procedure aims to...
The quest for longevity often leads people to focus on traditional exercise routines and intense workouts, but according to biomechanist Katy Bowman, the secret to a long and healthy life might be simpler than we think. Bowman, a prominent researcher and author in the...
I believe a large portion of modern society has come to accept the notion that we won’t die healthy. In fact, for some the concept of dying healthy may sound absurd, resigning to the fact that our healthspan and lifespan will not align. This acceptance of...